Have beautiful skin with tomato by mix with milk and wipe
to clean face. It helps the dead skin cells fall off gentle.
Thai language lesson!!
Have beautiful skin with tomato by mix with milk and wipe
to clean face. It helps the dead skin cells fall off gentle.
1 ฟอง ผสมให้เขากันและพอกหน้าทิ้งไว้ประมาณ 10 นาที แล้วล้างออกด้วยน้ำสะอาด
Some people who has dry skin problem use honey and 1 yolk eggs mixed
together and mask left on the face about 10 minutes then wash off with water.
Dry skin will return to moisture again.
4 เท่า กินเป็นประจำสามารถป้องกันโรคเหน็บชาได้ ช่วยบำรุงสมอง
Brown rice has vitamins than white rice 4 times. If
we eat regulary can prevent beriberi. Help for maintain the brain. Have less carbohydrate than white rice, it helps to
control weight.
The most important thing to
start the new day is breakfast. Because not having breakfast will make the brain
is not working well and not good effective.
และระบบสืบพันธุ์ของร่างกาย ก่อให้เกิดมะเร็ง
Eat too much monosodium
glutamate will damage the brain that control growth function and reproductive
systems of the body. It cause for cancer.