It publishes many books on Thai language and sells them throughout Japan and Bangkok, Thailand.
Our school study the methods of teaching the Thai speak, and endeavor to enhance the teaching of the Thai language at our thai language school.
Our school offer a full range of Thai language classes in the Thai language for beginners, Thai language for intermediate and Thai language for the advanced students.
Our lesson Covering speaking, reading and writing Thai language.

Thai language Suhyeon from Korea

school Anny from England
TLS Thai language school Bangkok has received a letter of recommendation from the Deputy Minister of Education, and in addition was appointed as an accreditation school by the Ministry of Education of Thailand.
The TLS Thai language school have over 10 years experience in the teaching of Thai language,
with our students preferring the original TLS Thai languagage school published textbooks as a learning aid.

Why did you start learning Thai language?
Is it because of traveling to Thailand?
Is it because it is necessary in your business?
Is it because your lover or significant other is Thai?
Our Thai language school's method of teaching is efficient and flexible to suit each purpose and individual need.

The TLS Thai language school study method is our school's unique offering.
A product of accumulated experience of knowledge gained from the school's 15 years of operation (as of 2009).
The method of delivery is practice and evaluation based on actual scenarios.
Even if a person cannot speak Thai language at all,
if they keep studying, they will be able to speak Thai language well by the end of the course/program.
Although the Thai language course content is highly effective in teaching the Thai language; as with any language,
it takes time and effort to learn. Therefore students who study conscientiously are rewarded. However to assist in this endeavor, are our Thai language school efficient techniques of instruction.
The TLS language school has private lesson,and group Thai language lesson.
Our Thai language school also offers short Thai language courses from just a few lessons up to 15 lessons.Now let's start learning Thai language with TLS Thai language school Bangkok!
■Our Thai language school’s program
・ED Student visa course ・Private Thai language lesson
・group Thai language lesson ・Share Thai language lesson
・Office Thai language lesson ・Home Thai language lesson
・On-line Thai language lesson ・Translation / Interpretation
For another language lessons
・Private Japanese lessons ・Private Chinese lessons
"The initial cost for attending Thai language courses are expensive, right? "
"I am worried what should I do if I cannot finish lessons "
"Can I easily change my studying schedule?"
We offer various courses for all students who would like to take Thai language lessons.
All of our Thai language lesson prices offered are reasonable and flexible.
An experienced native Thai teacher teaches each lesson.
We are sure you will be more than satisfied with the teaching style of our school.
Please let us know what kind of lessons you are interested in.
We will help you find the course that fits your needs.
a beginner at Thai won’t have any problems starting studies at our
school. Most of the students in fact are starting to learn Thai for the
first time.
Please contact us with any questions in regard to private Thai lessons, group Thai lessons, office Thai language lessons, home Thai language lessons etc.
■A Thai language general interpreter interprets everyday conversation level topics, such as shopping, weather,etc.
■Special Thai language interpreter interprets more sophisticated content,
live interpreting, international conference interpreting etc.
If the price for our interpreter is more expensive than the other Thai language
interpreter company’s in Thailand, we will lower our price.
Please show us the estimate of the other companies price by fax or
e-mail. Also, please describe following information clearly.
(Name, address, telephone, and E-mail address of the other company)
Our company has much experience with Thai language translation.
Translation fee table
・Our experienced Thai language translators always work with more than 20
people. We guarantee excellent performance for our customers.
・General Thai language translation (general documents and letters),
We will translate the material within 48 hours (with extra time for the material to then be sent to the customer.)
We translate: Thai → English , English → Thai, Thai → Japanese ,
Japanese →Thai, English →Japanese(please contact us if you are looking
for a translation in another language )
translation services are not limited to customers residing in Thailand.
Through fax and email our services are available to anyone
residing in Thailand, you may also drop of the material wished to be
translated to out Thai language school office in Bangkok directly.
we receive the material wished to be translated , we will make an
estimate of the time it will take for translation and delivery and the
cost, and notify the customer.
・The estimate is free so please feel free to contact us.
・If our price is more expensive than other Thai translation companies in Thailand, we guarantee to lower our price.
Please show our company the estimate of the other companies’ prices by fax or e-mail, as well as the following information:
(Name address, telephone, and E-mail address of the other companies)
Our company is also recruiting translators any language welcome. We would love to work with you. Please apply by our Interpreter, Translator, and Teacher application form.

ED visa course open from 14 th November : 1 year ED visa course Tuition: 28,900baht → 23,000 baht / 210 lesson (for a limited time only) Textbook: 4level ×300 = 1,200 baht Next ED student visa course. Open from : 14th November (Saturday) Time and Day : Every Saturday 13:00 to 16:40 Total lessons : 210 lesson for 42 weeks year visa course※1 lesson is 45 minute include 5 minute break
Textbook 300 baht × 4 level = 1,200 baht(for 1 year)
Thai private lesson 270baht per a lesson just now! : ・Tuition 5,250baht / 15 lessons (350naht / lesson) 9,600baht / 30 lessons (320baht / lesson) 17,400baht / 60 lessons (290baht / lesson) 24,300baht / 90 lessons (270baht / lesson)
Week day open 9am - 9pm Saturday open 9am - 15pm One-on-one lessons run seven days a week on the school. And We can also be arranged to take place at the home or office. We are able to arrange at your convenience.
Thai lanuguage group course open from 21th October : Thai language group course 5400baht / 60 lesson, 90baht / lesson more than 5 person(1 Lesson = 45 min,including a 5 minute break) 10 am -noon or 13 pm - 15 pm or 16 pm -18pm. Every Monday to Friday.
Japanese lesson / เรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่น 475 baht / hour : Japanese lesson / เรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่น in bangkok
■For private lesson (one to one) 11,000 bht / 20 lesson 550 bht / hour 21,000 bht / 40 lesson 525 bht / hour 30,000 bht / 60 lesson 500 bht / hour 38,000 bht / 80 lesson 475 bht / hour
■For share lesson ( 2 or 3 person) 8,800 bht / 20 lesson 440 bht
Today's thai
วิธีกำจัดแมลงในถังข้าวสาร (How to get rid off insects in the rice bucket.) read moreวิธีขจัดกลิ่นกระเทียมที่ติดมือ (Get rid off garlic smell on hands.) read more
เท้าเนียนนุ่มได้ง่ายๆ (Softly and smooth feets by easy way.) read more
วิธีปอกไข่ให้ง่ายขึ้น (How to peel eggs more easier.) read more
รองเท้าหายเหม็นด้วยวิธีง่ายๆ (Get smell of shoes out by easy way.) read more

14fl,. Times Square Building 246 Sukhumvit Rd., Between Soi 12-14 Khlongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand
TEL 0-2653-1891 FAX 0-2653-0650 E-mail info@thailanguage-school.com
We are located at 14th Floor of TIMES SQUARE Building, Only 1 min walk from BTS (sky train) Asoke Station No.2 Gate and only 2 min walk from MRT Sukhumvit subway station No.3 Gate.